In August 2022 I became a father. Anyone with children can agree that nothing truly prepares you for being a parent. It's the most challenging and rewarding experience that no-one can accurately describe.
As a photographer and a new parent, I wanted to capture every moment so that we'd never forget our tiny little bundle of joy as she grows up oh too quickly. I wrote a slightly tongue-in-cheek article for Fstoppers about trying to photograph a newborn baby for the first time. Some of my images from the first month of her life are below.
I have written a lot recently about the loss of my own father, and some of the memories I have of him. Experiencing the loss of a parent before I became a parent myself has added some weight to the experience, I feel that without him around that I need to bring some Grandad Graham into her life, there's also the sadness in having to accept that Graham will never meet his granddaughter. I only hope I can do half as good a job of raising my wonderful daughter as Graham did for me.
Welcome to the world Poppy Elizabeth Wendes
2nd August 2022, 10:35am
2nd August 2022, 10:35am